We came across this really interesting article and thought we'd share a snippet...

(Extract from The Observer 21 July 2018 - read Nosheen Iqbal's full article here. Follow: @nosheeniqbal)

What’s her biggest time stealer? “Social media.” Babalola toggles between Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram, although she rolls her eyes at the mention of Facebook...

The Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964)

“But they’re also more socially aware and see themselves as part of a global community. It’s easier to get and feel connected to someone in Africa or Asia and share concerns about climate change, for instance.”

Generation X (born 1965-1981)

“I just want what previous generations have had: you work hard, you reap the rewards of that. Sometimes I feel a bit hopeless..."

Millennials (born 1982-1995)

“I don’t expect to have one full-time gig; my career won’t be defined by one job. I know I’ll have to do stuff I don’t enjoy to be able to do passion projects that I do.”

Generation Z (born 1996-2016)

Extract from The Observer 21 July 2018 - read Nosheen Iqbal's full article here. Follow @nosheeniqbal