Action for Race Equality

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We ARE... Action for Race Equality. Empowering young people who are Black, Asian and of Mixed Heritage.


Latest news 4

'The Aviator' - Myles - This Joystick's Real...

2017 is the 2nd year we've had gliding scholarships on Slenky. Flying is Myles' passion and he ain't ready to let his shot pass by...
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Can You Name Successful Business Women?

Word On The Curb want to know, "Can You Name Successful Business Women?"
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Advertising Industry Opens to New Talent - Rianna gets the BIG Shot

In 2014 Rianna took a shot with Slenky + Sony behind the scenes on a Citroen advert shoot with Havas. Now in 2017 she found herself back at Havas and in the hot seat, interviewing for a full-time role in the advertising industry...
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Over @Take Your Shot Studios - Kallure - recipient of BEO F100 Investment fund

Slenky's new offices in the heart of Wembley Park is welcoming a new generation digital enterpreneurs. Kallure, the London based agency helping clients find their voice and share their stories
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